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Making the right choices is fundamental to success in the energy industry. The capital involved is massive. Until recently, procurement was a necessary, but seldom celebrated, component of multinational corporations. But times have changed: These days, procurement organizations within companies are playing pivotal roles in the success of global firms in ways that

old-fashioned purchasing managers could never have imagined. The procurement function has risen to such prominence in a highly competitive global environment, and how, as supplies of critical commodities tighten and prices rise, companies

can strategize to mitigate these and other risks.


Discover Glexoil 7 secrets to supply Chain success:

arrow We achieve transparency in your supply chain and drive profit margins
arrow Align the procurement function with overall business strategy
arrow Develop strong relationships with suppliers to lower risk and cost
arrow Optimize procurement contracts and negotiations to develop your competitive edge
arrow Mitigate risk in low cost sourcing areas
arrow Use the potential of E-Procurement to streamline processes and cost
arrow Discover the future of procurement in the region to formulate long-term plans